President’s Council Minutes for April 12, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. It is noted that there was no representative from building number 12.
The minutes from our March 8, 2022 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on February 22nd and posted on the web site, were reviewed. There was one correction noted that building 6 had abstained from voting on the motion to permit wine and beer, on the pool deck, but only during association/club sponsored events. Item will be corrected. Marty Hartman made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction and 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leann Vander Woude reviewed the expenses for the month of March. She noted that we currently have a bank balance of $13,618.50 (which includes a 5,000.00 reserve). Lynn Anderson made a motion to approve the report as submitted and was 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Clubhouse and Pool: Robert Pickard recapped that the bids were in for the re-roofing and replacement of the solar panels, for heating the pool. We also plan to invite representatives, from at least two solar companies, that submitted bids, to come in next season and speak to us about this process. There was a question about whether we considered solar energy to generate electricity for the pool & clubhouse. It was explained that the two operating systems are different, and would require a separate estimate.
Lynn Anderson asked if an estimated cost $150.00 per unit is a reasonable amount in preparing her budget for 2023. Although it cannot be guaranteed, it is likely in that range. It was also suggested, by Yana Kaarenoja, that the exact cost of materials to be used, be included in the bids, over concerns of some companies substituting lower quality materials due to some recent product shortages.
Robert also indicated that the pool is looking very good and that the new service company is doing a great job thus far.
Landscaping and Lawn: Pam Tulchinski has been doing a nice job working around the clubhouse, trimming plants and performing some general clean up. Adding mulch has been postponed until next season. Robert Pickard also reported that the sprinkler system leak was found and fixed and that we are set to begin watering again.
Bingo: Helen Marino noted that Bingo is still meeting on Wednesday evenings, but would be evaluated each week, and continue until attendance drops below a minimum of 15 participants.
Craft Club: Helen Marion reported that the Craft Club will continue to meet through the 2nd Monday in May and then take the rest of the summer off. She noted that they continue to sell a large number of their cards.
Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reported that for now, at least one court is being used every day.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that our BBQ event was sold out and was enjoyed by all who attended. The club earned over $300.00 toward future needs of our clubhouse. They are also hoping to have additional events next season, that may include an international Pot Luck, Valentine’s dinner and St. Patrick’s Day event.
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo reported that he still gets requests from non-residents to gain access to our private web page, but are denied if they cannot verify their resident status. He also asked that any address changes be sent to himself or Cal Knol for updating of our webpage directory.
Community Comments: Nothing at this time.
Old Business: Nothing as this time.
New Business: Cal Knol reported that there have been some administration issues concerning our lease payments to The Bank of America and the Elias Breath Trust. According to the bank they are no longer administering this trust. Bonnie Carter (an Elias Breath beneficiary), has communicated with Lynn Anderson, and reported that she has not been receiving her monthly payments. Our lease payments go to two different entities 50% to the Trust of Elias Breath and 50% to Carlton LLC. The Bank of America has been cashing/depositing our payments, but not sending payments to the heirs. Bonnie Carter continues to communicate with Lynn (see copy of April 12th email below) and the Bank of America, to try and get this matter resolved. We also discussed the possibility of contacting an attorney for legal advice. A motion was made by Lynn Anderson that we wait until after the end of April, before contacting an attorney and withhold making any additional lease payments, until the end of the month, to see if the Elias Breath issue is resolved. The motion was 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Below is an email Lynn Anderson received from Bonnie Carter (an Elias Breath beneficiary)
Lynn Anderson From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Lynn, Bonnie Carter < > Tuesday, April 12,2022 12:34 PM Lynn Anderson Re: bank
Thanks for checking in. My lawyer cousin in Montana said he had too much on his plate but he wants me to give him blow by blow and he will assist. I found out he is 82 and still practicing law. I went to two banks and they could not help me. They said I need a lawyer. I went to local Property Management company this morning and they said they could not help me or advise. I am going to call Chase Bank since I have two accounts there over 20 years. I am hoping someone there will give me audience. I do have a lawyer/accountant who is not expensive, but it is tax season…. I know you have a meeting tonight. I am going to call banks in your area and ask questions. I don’t understand yet if this is a trust that is managed? My mother put heirs’ portion in her trust and then it went to me and my sister. But that trust doesn’t exist anymore. There are several banks in my notes from Florida, I don’t think any of them exist anymore. I am going to google Property management companies in Chicago and see if I can ask the right questions and get some information. The above is my action items. Step by step. I will let you know as I get more information. I really appreciate your interest and response to this. I will keep working on it. Thanks again, Bonnie
There are no issues with the lease payments sent to Carlton LLC.
Our next meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
A motion to adjourn was made by Robert Pickard and 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary