Council Minutes April 2023

President’s Council Minutes for April 11, 2023

The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.

Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum.  There was no representative from building 2. 

The council president noted that all members had previously received a copy of the March 14 minutes and asked if there were any questions. Alex Varsakopolous brought up comments he had made during that meeting, and also in an email previously sent to the President’s Council, and wanted them recorded in those minutes. Cal noted that meeting minutes do not include everything that is said, but rather a summary of the conversation. He also said that the recording secretary had done an excellent job in reporting the issues that he had been concerned about. After some additional comments a motion was made by Charlie List to approve the minutes, as written, which was 2nd by Lynn Anderson. The motion was approved. (It is noted here, that following this interaction Alex Varsakopolous walked out of the meeting).

Treasurers report:  Leanne Vander Woude reported on the expenses for the month of March and that we had a balance of $10,755.64 (5,000.00 in reserve) in our account.  A question regarding our water bill was brought up and indicated that we could again have a leak somewhere in the sprinkler system.  Cal and Robert indicated that this will be checked out.  A motion to approve the Treasurers report for March was made by Jim Carreau and 2nd by Jaana Kaarenoja.  The motion was approved.

At this time, Cal Knol asked Charlie List to read an opinion written by board member, John Robuck from building 11. (Charlie had previously received permission from John to read this report). John addressed an issue regarding the fencing along our perimeter and the jurisdiction of the President’s Council. John’s remarks are based on his take of Association Documents and Declarations. After a brief discussion, it was decided that we would table this issue and address it at a future council meeting.


Pool & Clubhouse: Cal reported that he had previously emailed the building presidents copies of the estimates for replacing the 20+ year old air conditioning and air-handler in the clubhouse. Two of the estimates offered us three options, which included American Standard, Rheem & Daikin. The American Standard compressor was rated as the highest quality, but also the most expensive, followed by Rheem and Daikin. It was noted also that all these units each offered a 5 year warranty and 2 years labor. After some discussion a motion was made by Jim Carreau and 2nd by Peter Metzler to award the contract to All Pro Air Conditioning to install the Rheem unit, with air-handler, at a cost of $13,725.00. This expense breaks down to an average cost of $52.83 per unit. Motion passed, with Lynn Anderson abstaining. Cal Knol will contact All Pro in the next day or two to get the project moving forward.

Cal Knol reported that he was still waiting for a proposal from our pool service provider regarding the pros & cons of having a salt water pool, along with the cost and maintenance of making that change.

Shuffleboard: No report

Lawn/Landscaping: No report

Bingo:  Helen Marino reported that this Wednesday the 12th will be our last night of bingo for this season.

Craft Club:  Helen Marino reported that the craft club will continue to meet in the clubhouse during the summer months and making their cards.

Club 2180:  It was noted that all planned activities have ended for this season.

Webmaster: No report

New Business: Susan Bechtol requested to make some personal remarks regarding our community. Her comments were heartfelt and basically asked for more cooperation within our council and community.  Her desire is that we be a welcoming and warm environment for all of our residents.

At this time a motion to adjourn was made by Ed Campagnuolo and 2nd by Susan Bechtol.  The motion was approved.

Our next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 7:00PM

Respectfully submitted:  Bev Knol, Secretary