President’s Council Minutes for March 8, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. It is noted that there were no representatives from buildings 8 or 12.
The minutes from our February 8, 2022 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on February 22nd and posted on the web page were reviewed. Marty Hartman made a motion to approve the minutes and 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leann Vander Woude reviewed the expenses for the month of February. Our current bank balance is $10, 884.32 with $5,000.00 in reserve leaving $5,884.32 in operating funds. A motion was made by Robert Pickard to accept the financial report and 2nd by Jim Carreau. The motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Clubhouse and Pool: Robert Pickard reported on our three bids for solar panels. The Broward Solar estimate was $15,750.00, Flamingo Solar $18,500.00 and Climatic Solar at $22,000.00. The first two companies would be using 16 panels of 4X18 and the latter would use 32 smaller panels. Before a decision is made, we plan to invite representatives to present their recommendations to the full council
Robert also reported on reroofing estimates and recommended that we use Rich Moore Roofing with an estimated cost of $18,453.00. These current estimates represent a cost of $131.55, per unit, and are provided to give building presidents an approximate dollar amount as they prepare their 2023 budgets. It is understood that these estimates are likely to be higher, as the work is not planned until the summer of 2023, and contracts won’t be signed until early next year.
We have hired Palm Beach Pools LLC, which replaced Pool Services Plus. They have been performing our pool maintenance and we are already seeing an improvement. Their current monthly charge is $535.00, and they provide three services per week.
Landscaping and Lawn: We again discussed the replenishing of mulch, in front of our clubhouse. Pam Tulchinski has agreed to assist with this project, as Cindy Adams is moving and doesn’t have time to complete the work. There was also a recommendation from the gallery, about other ground cover options. Cal will find out the expense and how many bags of mulch were purchased last year, and recommendations may be made at our April meeting.
Bingo: Helen Marino reported that bingo is going well and we have been having between 25 and 30 people in attendance.
Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that they are making money selling their cards and are planning to make a donation of funds to the Clubhouse for potential future improvements.
Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reports that, at this time, the courts are being used every afternoon.Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that the club will sponsor a BBQ on Saturday March 26th. We will be serving hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw and potato salad. There will be cake for dessert.