President’s Council Minutes for March 14, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. There were no representatives from buildings 2 or 8.
At this time, Cal Knol asked for a motion to approve the minutes from our February 14th meeting. However, Alex Varasakopoulis (president of building 12) asked to be heard on a subject to which he was very passionate. It was an unusual request, but knowing the issue Cal permitted him to speak. For the next 15 to 20 minutes, he expressed several different issues on his mind, but mainly about the decision we had made to move forward in repairing the damaged fence behind building 12. The fence companies that were contacted all noted that in order to perform the repair a small tree, had to be removed because it was pushing the existing fence over, and there was also excessive brush that needed to be cleared. When the company, that we contracted came to clear the tree and brush, Alex confronted their trespass on building 12’s property. There was clearly a breakdown of communication and Cal acknowledged his failure to properly communicate those plans to Alex and apologized for his actions. In addition to the trespass, along with the tree and brush removal, Alex questioned the President’s Council authority, legitimacy, treasurers reports and community club activities and oversight. After several minutes of lively and robust remarks, the meeting moved on following the agenda.
The minutes from our February 14, 2023 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on February 28th, and posted on our association’s web page were reviewed. The reading of the minutes was waived. A motion was made by Charlie List to approve the minutes and was 2nd by Lynn Anderson . The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leann Vander Woude went over our expenses for the month of February and reported a balance of $3,739.46, on February 28, 2023. Lynn Anderson made a motion to approve the report which was 2nd by Helen Marino. The motion was approved, with one no vote from Alex Varsakopolous.
Committee Reports:
Pool and Clubhouse: Robert Pickard reported that the solar panels are working and currently maintaining the pool temperature in the mid 80’s. Cal Knol brought up the issue of the air conditioner and air handler, in the clubhouse, which had been tabled at our last meeting. We currently have two estimates and moving forward to provide the council with a third. When received, these three estimates will be emailed to building presidents, for review and discussion at our April meeting.
Property Fence: It was decided to go forward with the needed fence repairs behind building twelve, and the replacement of a corner post between the shuffleboard courts and clubhouse.
Shuffle Board Courts: Robert Pickard reported that they are used daily and being enjoyed by those that come to play.
Lawn/Landscape: Pat Tulchinski is still out of town so we have no report at this time.
Bingo: Helen Marino reported that we are having 25 or more coming to play bingo each week and that we will continue through the end of March. Plans are to meet each Wednesday into April until attendance drops below 15.
Craft Club: The craft ladies are still meeting every Monday and have cards available to purchase for $3.00 each. They sell them on Wednesday evening at Bingo and often at our dinner events. They are doing a great job!
Club 2180: Susan Bachtol reported that we are having 25 or 30 attend our Meet & Greet events and that we have 2 more scheduled for March 17 and 31. Our season finale will be a Pot Luck on Saturday, March 25th with doors opening at 5:00 and dinner beginning at 5:30 She also reported that there were 20 people who attended the Ladies Luncheon on March 13th, at the Gourmet Deli House. They had a good representation from the buildings in our community and a good time was enjoyed by all.
Webmaster’s Report: Ed Campagnuolo asked that we provide him the dates of our upcoming activities so he can post them on our website calendar. Also, a reminder to please submit any changes of address to either himself or Cal Knol in order to keep our website information as current as possible.
New Business & Community Comments: Jill Karlin, from Building 11 addressed the council and asked us to consider turning our pool into a salt water pool for its health benefits. Cal Knol indicated he would talk with Shea, from Pool Services and ask him for a proposal.
Jim Carreau reported on damage caused to building 11’s lawn and sprinkler system and also two cars which were also damaged by a tanker truck attempting to get turned around in their parking lot. This occurred during the night and Robert Pickard was awakened by the noise and got the name that was on the cab of the truck. Jim notified PBSO and has also been in contact with the trucking firm. They are hopeful that the trucking company will cover the cost of their repairs.
Wendy Hartman brought to the Council’s attention of a possible leak she noticed from the pool’s solar heating. Robert Pickard asked her to show him where the water was dripping, and would follow-up with Solar Energy Systems, as needed.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ed Campagnuolo and 2nd by Jim Carreau. Motion passed.
Next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2023, at 7:00PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Bev Knol, Secretary