President’s Council Minutes for March 12, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, and it revealed that we had a quorum. There was no representative from Building 12.
The council president noted that all members had previously been emailed a copy of the agenda and the minutes from the February 13 meeting, and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions so Lynn Anderson made a motion that we accept the minutes as written which was and 2nd by Ed Campagnuola. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Reports: Leanne Vander Woude reported on the expenses for the month of February indicating a month ending balance of $14,771.39. This figure includes a $5,000.00 reserve and $2,200.00 of Craft Club funds. Robert Pickard made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and 2nd by Marty Hartman. The motion was approved.
Clubhouse and Pool: Robert Pickard reported that a new chemical pump was installed in February after the current pump had failed inspection. He also, reported that two of three lights located in the pool are burned out and so we decided to have Palm Beach Pools replace all three. This work should be done in the very near future.
Cal Knol gave an update on our plans to replace the storage shed, and potentially using funds from the Women’s Craft Club & Club 2180 to cover this expense. We first needed to provide the city a land survey to secure a building permit, but they would not accept our 1966 copy, saying it was too old. This will require us to get a new updated survey. After a few minutes of discussion, a motion was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Cheryl Holava to allow the survey to go forward, but limit the expense to $1000.00. The motion was approved. Cal will be contacting a land surveyor to have this work performed and provide another update at our next council meeting.
Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reported that the courts are in need of a good cleaning. We have someone willing to do the work but will be asked to talk with Robert before this is undertaken.
Lawn/Landscaping: Pam Tulchinski reported that there will be continuing work along the back fence line to clean up the area of debris and dead branches. She additionally reported that John Watson has offered to help with this work. A sincere thanks to all of our landscaping and lawn volunteers. Things are looking much better.
Bingo: Cal Knol reported that we have been having a turnout of about 20 – 30 people each week.
Craft Club: No report
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that we had 54 people attend our Valentine’s Day Dinner and that everyone enjoyed the meal along with socializing with friends, and a little dancing. Our Meet and Greets are going well and have been having 25 – 30 people at each event. We are also having our Corn Beef and Cabbage St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on Saturday, March 16th, with over 50 people attending.
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo again asked our Presidents to be more faithful in providing new resident information and any changes to phone numbers or e-mail updates to either himself or Cal Knol on a regular basis. We want to keep our website directory as up-to-date as possible.
Old Business: Cal brought a few copies of our community’s directory that he had printed from the website, and suggested that if a unit owner(s) would like a hard copy it was a quick and easy way to get them the most up-to-date information.
New Business: Robert Pickard noted that there have been a few complaints about dog droppings not being picked up by the dog owners. Please remind residents to please pick up after their animals.
Our next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:00PM
A motion to adjourn was given by Charlie List and 2nd by Ed Campagnuola. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted:
Bev Knol, Secretary