President’s Council Minutes for February 13, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. There was no representative from Building 1.
The council president noted that all members had previously been emailed a copy of the agenda and the minutes from the January 9 meeting. A motion was made by Pat LaBarre and 2nd by Lynn Anderson to approve the minutes. Motion was approved
Treasurer’s Reports: Leanne Vander Woude reported that there was an error in the December 2023 financial report, which had been corrected. The revised copy was distributed, reviewed and approved. The January 2024 report was also distributed and reviewed. We have a current balance of $12,465.38 with an additional amount of $1,800.00, which belongs to the Craft Club. A motion was made by Marty Hartman to approve the report and was 2nd by Dan Kraly. Motion was approved.
Election or Retention of Council Officers: Cal Knol asked for a motion to approve current officers or suggestions of new officers. Before a motion was made, Alex Varsakopolous asked if anyone felt the need to have a second board of officers to handle a much larger amount of information and to also check on getting lower prices on things such as lawn services etc., all under one “umbrella”. Heavily tied into the suggestion was that our web page not being very useful (in his opinion) and could be so much more helpful than what we currently have. The issue was discussed for several minutes without a resolution. To put us back on track, Marty Hartman made a motion to keep our current board officers in place, which was 2nd by Pat LaBarre. Motion was approved, with Cal Knol, President, Robert Pickard, Vice President, Bev Knol, Secretary and Leanne Vander Woude , Treasurer. Lynn Anderson asked how decisions are made as to spending for clubhouse and common area expenses. Cal noted that on major expenses or purchases, estimates are sought and shared with the council and subject to council approval. On less expensive maintenance issues or some required inspection costs from the city, county or state, he and Robert discuss them and move forward with payments as these are not always “optional”.
Clubhouse and Pool: Robert Pickard indicated that things are currently running smoothly. John Florio will be power washing the shuffleboard courts, pool deck and furniture in the near future. Cal also mentioned that we are currently seeking bids to put up a new shed to replace the one destroyed in a hurricane, several years ago. Funds for this project will potentially come from the Craft Club and Club 2180 savings and avoid any added expense to unit owners.
Shuffleboard: No report
Lawn/Landscaping: Cal reported that Pam Tulchinski and Marlene Ingratta have worked hard installing new plants in the front of clubhouse and having fresh mulch put down, which has really spruced up the area! A special thanks was also given to Donna LaPerle for an awesome job cleaning up the back area, along the fence line, by removing a bunch of dead branches and other debris. Please take a look and express your thanks to our landscaping ladies.
Bingo: Cal Knol reported that we have been having between 20 & 25 people attending bingo each week and that it is going well.
Craft Club: Continues to make their cards and have them available for sale on Monday morning and Wednesday evening during Bingo.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that our Valentines Day Dinner is on Friday, February 16th. Meet and greets are going well and are being attended by about 20 to 30 people.
Webmaster: No report
Old Business: None
New Business: Dan Kraly reported that their building #5 has installed new better-quality lettering on their entry sign. They are solid white letters and designed to reflect light. His phone number is 219-895-7433 if anyone would like information on where to order them. Ales Varsakopolous also offered his web page and bookkeeping system to any building that was interested. Please contact him for more information. Also, regarding new directories, several of the building presidents reported that most residents did not feel the need for the paper directory, because the information is readily available on line, and is frequently updated as residents are constantly moving in and out. Printing an 8 ½ x 11 sheet for each building’s information may be an option for those wanting some type of hard copy document.
Our next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:00PM
A motion to adjourn was given by Susan Bechtol and 2nd by Pat LaBarre. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted:
Bev Knol, Secretary