President’s Council Minutes for January 10, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. It is noted that there was no representative from building 12.
Insurance information: Our insurance agent, Chad Romano, spoke to us regarding insurance issues and that we should likely expect premium increases of 30% to 40% or more, and even potential cancellations! He also provided some possible options that we have for future coverage, including the elimination of wind insurance. He noted that hurricanes are not Florida’s only factor in rising insurance costs. He said our state represents 8% of the nation’s total insurance coverage, but 75% of the lawsuits against insurance carriers! For that reason, many companies are choosing to no longer write policies in the state. He also noted that reinsurance companies (those who insure smaller carriers against catastrophic losses) are opting not to renew many of those policies. If buildings want wind coverage, their only option may be to switch to Citizen’s Insurance (the states carrier), which does require a new appraisal and wind mitigation inspections. (These inspections have been performed for all our recreational properties).
Election and or retention of Board Officers: Charlie List made a motion to retain our current officers which was 2nd by Dan Kraly. The motion was approved. Cal Knol, President; Robert Pickard, Vice President; Bev Knol, Secretary and Leann Vander Woude, Treasurer and will remain as board officers for 2023.
The minutes from our December 13, 2022 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on December 27th, and posted on our association’s web page were reviewed. The reading of the minutes was waived and Susan Bechtol made a motion to approve the minutes which was 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leann Vander Woude reviewed our December expenses and indicated that we have a current balance of $17,661.76, which includes a $5000.00 reserve and $7,190.00 toward clubhouse re-shingling & new solar heating for the pool. A Motion was made by Robert Pickard to accept the report which was 2nd by Dan Kraly. Motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Pool and Clubhouse: We are currently waiting on the City of Lake Worth Beach to approve our building permits for installing new roof shingles on the clubhouse and solar panels for heating the pool.
Shuffle Board Courts: Robert Pickard reported that the courts are in good shape and currently being used every day.
Lawn/Landscape: Pam Tulchinski reported that we basically just need some clean up at this time, and asked for volunteers. Both Brittany Lemon and Leann Vander Woude agreed to help. Pam will also be purchasing some new plants to replace dead ones.
Bingo: Helen Marino reported that Bingo will begin on January 11, 2023. She also asked for help, at the bingo card purchasing table, while she is absent, to have eye surgery later this month. Dave Holley and Dan Kraly have agreed to cover this need, for the immediate future. Cal & Bev will also be gone on February 1st and George Adams agreed to call the games on that day, but we still need someone to cover for Bev’s duties.
Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that they are meeting weekly and continue to sell their homemade cards.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that the club will be hosting our annual Pot Luck on Friday, January 20th, 2023. Doors will open at 5PM. The club will also sponsor a Meet & Greet planned for Friday, January 27th, 2023 at the pool and clubhouse from 6:30PM, until? There is also a Valentine’s Day Dinner scheduled for Friday, February 17th, 2023 and more details will be coming later.
Webmaster’s Report: Ed Campagnuolo reported that updates & changes be sent to himself or Cal Knol. He also added that recent requests, for access to our web site, have included their building and unit numbers, which is a great help in expediting the process.
New Business & Community Comments: It was reported that a homeless person or persons, put up a tent across the street from Building 7. Robert Pickard called the sheriff’s office, but they did not respond. He then tried the Park Rangers, who responded quickly, and they were removed from the park.
It was suggested by Charlene List that we look into the cost of building a Pickle Ball court(s) in the grassy area by the clubhouse. Cal Knol will check on pricing.
It was also suggested we look into the cost of getting WiFi installed in our clubhouse. Cal Knol will also look into this.
A motion to adjourn was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Susan Bechtol . Motion was approved.
Next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for February 14, 2023, at 6:30PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Bev Knol, Secretary