President’s Council Meeting January 12, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol and revealed that 8 buildings were represented, which provided us a quorum to conduct and vote on business matters. There were no representatives from buildings 8, 11 or 12.
The minutes from the December 9, 2020 meeting, and previously emailed to council presidents (with computers) on December 29th, were reviewed. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Ed Campagnulolo and 2nd by Robert Pickard to approve them as written. Motion was approved.
The December and year ending 2020 financial reports, which were prepared by Leann Vander Woude, were distributed to everyone present. Leann reported that we had $153.93 remaining in the roads & parking lot resealing fund reserve. Dan Kraly made a motion to move these funds into the general fund, which was 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved. A secondary motion was made by Jaana Kaarenoja, to approve the report, with the amended revision, which was 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved. It was noted that Building 12 is expected to reimburse the Recreational Facility for the fee for their building’s web page.
Yana Kaarenoja made a motion to approve the year-ending 2020 financial report, which was 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Clubhouse & Pool: The fees from Pool Services Plus were increased $200.00 per month, and was effective on January 1, 2021, bringing our monthly service expense to $599.00. PSP had previously informed us that this would be occurring, Robert confirmed that this is in line with other companies, servicing pools our size. He also reported that John Florio will be repairing cracks on the pool deck, and replacing some of the rotten wood in the clubhouse eaves.
Landscaping: It was noted that we have a flowering weed in the common area grass by the clubhouse, which has been spreading to the lawns of nearby buildings. Nozzle Nolen will be asked to spray the lawn area, to kill and/or control this infestation.
Bingo: To be determined
Craft Club: To be determined
Shuffleboard: No report at this time
Club 2180: Events to be determined
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo reported the new web site is up and running and can be accessed by typing in the search bar: There is also a privacy statement that you must agree to and click on. New users will need to register and set up their own personal passwords. Ed will verify residency and give approval, after which you are set to access the webpage. Each president was given a sheet, for their building with the name and phone numbers of their residents. They were asked to review the information, make any additions or corrections and return that sheet to either Ed or Cal Knol. Again, our thanks to Ed for all his work setting up our new webpage. It is very much appreciated. The new web page will have the most current directory information, a calendar showing meetings & community activities, and the minutes from the Presidents Council meetings. Please inform Ed of any corrections or changes to the directory, as they occur.
New Business: Election or retention of President’s Council Officers – Cal Knol, President; Robert Pickard, Vice President; Bev Knol, Secretary and Leanne Vander Woude, Treasurer. Marty Hartman made a motion to retain the current officers and was 2nd by Dan Kraly. The motion was approved.
Old Business: No issues at this time.
Community Comments: A motion was made by Jaana Kaarenoja to move the time of our monthly council meetings to 6:30PM, and was 2nd by Dan Kraly. After some discussion motion was approved.
The next Presidents Council meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2021 at 6:30PM.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Kraly and 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary