Council Minutes Jan.

Presidents’ Council Minutes for January 14, 2025

The meeting was called to order by Cal Knol at 7:00PM

Roll Call was taken by Bev Knol revealing 12 members present, which provided us a quorum. There was no representative from Building 8.

Council president Cal Knol noted that minutes from the December 10, 2024 meeting had been emailed to building representatives on December 30th, and to waive the reading of those minutes. A motion was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Robert Pickard to approve the minutes, as written. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Leanne VanderWoude reviewed the expenses for December and reported an ending balance of $9,932.00. This figure includes $2,200.00 of Craft Club monies. A motion was made by Richard Bilotti and 2nd by Robert Pickard to approved the treasurer’s report as submitted. The motion passed

Clubhouse & Recreation: Robert Pickard reported that the coconuts have been removed from the palm trees by the clubhouse, and prawn branches trimmed.  The cement table tops by the Bar-B-Que area have also been repaired and painted.

Shed update: Cal Knol is waiting to hear back from the contractor about replacing our shed and will keep the council posted as he is updated.  He also expressed his desire to have a gazebo built over the cement pad by the Bar-B-Que area as well.

Pool: Robert Pickard reported that the sensors have been replaced on the solar heating and that we are again generating warm water into the pool.

Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reported that the courts are in use everyday but the numbers are small. He also noted that the lines and numbers are very faded on the courts and could use some fresh paint to help brighten them. He will check whether Jimmy Neilson may be able to do this.

Lawn/Landscaping: Pam Tulchinski and the landscaping crew are hard at work sprucing up and installing new plants in front of our clubhouse area. Pam is very grateful for the additional help and especially the talent from new residents Mike and Patty Tober. They are really making that area look good!

Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that the club is meeting every Monday morning, in the clubhouse, from 9AM to noon. All are welcome to join them. She said they have a nice selection of cards which are available for only $3.00 each.

Club 2180:  Cal Knol reported that we had a recent planning session and set dates for our community activities. We had our first Meet and Greet on January 10th with nearly 40 people in attendance! He also noted that there were new residents who came to the event. Our next Meet and Greet is scheduled for January 31st at 5PM on the pool deck. Our Welcoming Potluck is scheduled for Friday January 24th.  Doors will open at 5 p.m. and dinner at 5:30 p.m.  Please bring a favorite hot dish, salad or dessert to share.  We have scheduled our Valentines dinner for Friday, February 14th. The final event will be our Pool Party scheduled for Saturday March 22nd. All scheduled dates can be found on building bulletin boards, clubhouse door and on our community’s web site.


Webmaster: Ed Campagnuola reminded Presidents to please get their unit owner updates sent to him or Cal as quickly as possible for updating on our webpage.  It was noted that both Jim Carreau and Lynn Anderson are very good about getting their building updates sent in quickly and it is much appreciated.

Old Business:  None at this time.

New Business:  Animal Control issues was the topic for this portion of our meeting especially the wild ducks!  Presidents are asked to remind their residents that it is illegal to feed wild ducks or feral cats here in Florida.  The duck situation has gotten very much out of hand, and is a chronic problem for several buildings that border on Lake Osborne Drive. The amount of duck droppings behind buildings 4 and 5 is nearly intolerable and the stench was unbearable this past summer! In an effort to try and curb this problem we will place signs at our street entrances that identify the Florida ordinance prohibiting the feeding of ducks.  We are all asked that if we see someone feeding these animals to please remind them that it is illegal and as well as a health hazard and to please stop! There was also some discussion of imposing fines on anyone in the complex feeding the ducks or feral cats. This may be discussed at future meetings.  There is also a company called Animal Rangers that can assist in the removal of ducks, but it is very expensive and will not be pursued at this time. Our Thanks to Cheryl Holava and Omar Becerra for their research into this matter.

Community Comments: Lynn Anderson suggested that we express out thanks to Robert Pickard for all the work that he does in our community. We are all very grateful to Robert for everything he does here in our complex. 

Our next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2025 at 7:00 p.m.

A motion to adjourn was made by Robert Pickard and 2nd by Ed Campagnuola.  The motion was approved.

Respectfully submitted:

Beverly J. Knol, Secretary