Presidents’ Council Minutes for February 11, 2025
The meeting was called to order by Cal Knol at 7:00PM
Roll Call was taken by Bev Knol revealing enough for a quorum. There were no representatives from buildings 8 or 12.
Council president Cal Knol noted that the minutes from January 14, 2025 had been emailed to building representatives on February 28th, and to waive the reading of those minutes. A motion was made by
Jim Carreau and 2nd by Marty Hartman to approve the minutes as written. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leanne VanderWoude distributed the financial report for January 2025 and Cal Knol asked everyone to review the report and ask any questions. Following a handful of questions, Marty Hartman made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. The motion was approved.
Retention or Election of new Council Officers. Marty Hartman made a motion to retain the current board (Cal Knol, Robert Pickard, Bev Knol & Leann Vander Woude) which was 2nd by Dan Kraly. The motion was approved.
Clubhouse & Recreation: Cal Knol reported that the cooling coil for the air conditioner was replaced on Monday. The current one had a several leaks and was out of warranty, but labor was still covered. We haven’t yet received the bill but is estimated to be $2500.00.
Shed update: Cal Knol reported that he finally received an estimate for building a new shed and was submitted as $8900.00. This expense will be discussed among Club 2180 and the Craft Club members to see about assisting with this purchase. A suggestion was also made that we relocate the BBQ grill from the back room and instead anchor it outside by the patio tables. We could also purchase a cover for the grill to protect it from the weather. After some discussion a motion was made by Marty Hartman to anchor the grill outside by the patio and purchase a cover, which was 2nd by Suki Dejong. The motion was approved.
Pool: Robert Pickard reported that the solar heating is now functioning efficiently and the pool water is warming nicely. He also reported that the key lock had broken for pool entry and was replaced. After it was replaced, we continued experiencing a problem with several keys not working along with the inner parts of the lock and door catches not working properly. Following a payment issue with the first locksmith a different was used to replace the inner parts. The gate lock is now operating very smoothly.
Shuffleboard: Jimmy Nielson will be repainting the lines on one of the courts, most frequently used.
Lawn/Landscaping: Marlene Ingratta reported on behalf of Pam Tulchinsky. Because of the great bush and brush trimming by the patio and shuffleboard courts Pam has requested permission to purchase a plastic sheet to attach to the fence which would provide more privacy to our complex. This request was verbally approved.
Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that the club will be greatly pleased with the air conditioning being repaired so they can get back to making cards!
Bingo: Helen reported that we’ve been having around 25 people attending our Wednesday night games.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that our Valentine’s Day Dinner is this coming Friday and that 45 tickets have been sold. He also reported that our next Meet & Greet is scheduled for Friday February 21, 2025