Presidents’ Council Minutes for April 9, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00 pm.
Roll Call was taken by acting Council Secretary, Charline List, and it revealed that we had a quorum. All buildings were represented.
The Council President noted that all members had previously been emailed a copy of the agenda and the minutes from the March 12, 2024 meeting, and asked if there were any questions. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. Marty Hartman made a motion to approve the minutes as written, second by Ed Campagnuola. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leanne Vander Woude reported on the expenses for the month of March, indicating a month end balance of $18,230.59. This figure included a $5,000.00 reserve and $2,200.00 of Craft Club funds. Charlie List made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and 2nd by Cheryl Holava. The motion was approved.
Clubhouse: Cal Knol reported that Dean Surveyor’s performed the survey of our recreational area at a cost of $1,000.00. When the document is completed, Richard Dean will submit the report to Cal by email and also a digital format. This survey was required in order for us to move forward in securing a building permit to replace a storage shed, located behind the clubhouse, that was destroyed during a storm.
Pool: Robert Pickard reported that two original pool lights are out and need to be changed. County regulations require pool lights and all three will be replaced with new fixtures, that will use LED bulbs, at a cost of $2787.00. Robert will notify our pool service company, to move forward on this project and have the work completed in the next few weeks.
Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reported that shuffleboard is finished for the season.
Lawn/Landscaping: Kudos sent to Pam Tulchinski, Donna Laperle and all volunteers for the work they did cleaning and cutting back along the back fence.
Bingo: Cal noted that this would be the last week for Bingo until January, 2025. There had been a good response this year, and were averaging between 25 and 30 people participating each week.
Craft Club: In the absence of Helen Marino, Cheryl Holava reported that the greeting cards are still being made and sold.
Club 2180: Cal explained that Club 2180 was formed after the Men’s Club and the Women’s Club disbanded. This club is intended to coordinate social events that are inclusive for the entire community, and profits from any events will be used for projects that benefit our community.
Web Page: Webmaster Ed Campagnuola reported that our community’s website is no longer private. Cal Knol inquired about how many people (in attendance), access the webpage and only three people acknowledged that they utilize the site. Currently it is intended for residents to view our clubhouse calendar with upcoming community events & activities, locate people within Lakeside Point Gardens and view the President’s Council agendas and minutes.
Old Business: No additional reports
New Business: Items tabled for discussion in November: Clubhouse Wi-Fi, an emergency phone, and a Defibrillator (AED) for the clubhouse and pool area.
Next Meeting: November 12, 2024 @ 7:00 pm.
A motion to adjourn was given by Jim Carreau and 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Charline List, acting secretary