President’s Council Meeting January 11, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. It is noted that there were no representatives from buildings 2, 11 and 12.
The minutes from our December 14, 2021 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on December 28th and posted on the web page were reviewed. Ed Campagnuolo made a motion to approve the minutes and was 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leanne Vander Woude reviewed the financial report for December, which has a balance of $4,868.71, and is below our $5000.00 reserve by $131.29. It was also noted that we are still dealing with a leak in either the sprinkler system or the pool. We are waiting to hear from the city. It was suggested that we turn the water flow off at the street to see if the leak is in that line. Robert, Dan and Cal will look into this. Dan Kraly made a motion to accept the financial report and 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Election/Retention of Presidents Council Board members: Dan Kraly made a motion to retain our current officers for 2022 and this was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. The motion was approved to keep Cal Knol as President, Robert Pickard as Vice President, Bev Knol as Secretary and Leanne Vander Woude as Treasurer.
Insurance update: Chad Romano’s insurance recommendations were again brought up by Cal Knol. Our insurance options were discussed, after which Lynn Anderson made a motion that we accept the premium, that did not include coverage for Crime, Workman’s Comp or Liability for Board Members. It was 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved.
Clubhouse: Robert Pickard reported that John Florio has completed the outside painting of the clubhouse.
Pool & Recreation Area: Robert Pickard reported that there are still a few cracks on the pool decking that have to be sealed and the top coral rim of the pool is to be painted.
Lawn/Landscaping/Grounds: Cindy Adams reported that some additional mulch will be placed around the clubhouse landscaping soon. She is looking for some volunteers to help with this project.
Bingo: Cal Knol reported that Bingo will begin on Wednesday January 12, 2022, and run from 7 to 9PM
Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reported that there are games going on almost every afternoon at this time.
Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that Craft Club is meeting on Monday mornings.
Club 2180: There was some discussion about possibly starting up our Happy Hour gatherings on Friday evenings and maybe having an International Potluck, toward the end of January.
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo indicated that when someone registers to gain approval for accessing our private web page, the request must include their building number and unit number.
Community Comments: Cal Knol brought up a report, provided by Eric Glazer ESQ, that there is a bill currently moving through the Florida Legislature that would require all Condominium and HOA Associations to have reserve accounts for their larger maintenance needs such as roofing, painting and building maintenance, and will likely pass in March. The report was emailed to all building presidents.
Jamie Brown, of Lake Worth Beach Street maintenance, informed Lynn Anderson that he has a few “Duck Crossing” signs available. It was suggested that 3 of these signs be, in front of our complex, near Buildings 1, 5 and 8. Clearly not the speed bumps we’ve been requesting, but maybe they will help slow the traffic on Lake Osborne Drive in front of our buildings.
Our next meeting is scheduled for February 8, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dan Kraly and 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary