President’s Council Minutes April 13, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, which revealed 9 buildings represented and provided enough for a quorum. There were no representatives from buildings 2 or 11.
The minutes from our March 9, 2021 meeting were reviewed and Joana Kaarenoja made a motion to accept them as written, which was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
The Treasurer’s report for the month of March was reviewed. Leanne Vander Would was not present, and due to some unanswerable questions, a motion was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Lynn Anderson to postpone approval of the report until our November meeting. Motion was approved.
Clubhouse & Pool Report: Robert Pickard reported that John Florio continues to work in the areas around the clubhouse. He is currently trimming the trees (raising the canopy) and cutting back the shrubs around the cookout/bar-b-que area. He will also be painting the outside of the clubhouse, over the summer months and repair some of the cracked stone bricks located on the front of the building.
Lawn & Landscaping Report: Cal reported that several people volunteered their time and effort to clean-up the landscaping areas in front of the pool & clubhouse. This included George & Cindy Adams, Cindy’s brother Steve and his wife Charlotte, Pam Tulchinski, Leanne Vander Woude and others. They dug out several old & dying plants, pulled weeds and cleaned up debris. The area was also sprayed for weed control and a weed barrier was put down, followed by the placement of over 90 bags of mulch. They did an outstanding job and resulted in a much cleaner looking plant & tree garden. We are all grateful for their work and spontaneously offered them a round of applause for their time and effort!
Shuffleboard: Continues to be used by a limited number of people.
Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that the club is meeting each Monday morning, at the clubhouse. She also reported that they donated $800.00, from their profits, to the Recreational Association to cover most of the expense for the purchase & installation of three new benches by the shuffleboard courts.
Bingo: Currently suspended due to covid. Hope to restart again in January of 2022.
Club 2180: Currently suspended due to covid. Plan to restart these activities again in January of 2022 or earlier depending on interest.
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo reported that he had a non-resident attempt to sign up to gain access to our web site. The request was denied and deleted. This revealed that our safety measures we have in place are properly working.
Community Comments: Lynn Anderson received a letter from Lake Worth Beach regarding the request for speed bumps in front of our community. They replied that Lake Osborne Drive is a county road and the request needs to be approved by them. The county would need to put in a request and have it added to their budget for 2022. We will continue to follow-up with the county and Lake Worth Beach, to get this urgent need completed.
Old Business: Cal reported that community directories were completed and had been previously distributed to the building presidents, which should have been forwarded to their residents. Please submit all updates on phone numbers or owner changes to Cal Knol or Ed Campagnuolo, to keep website directory as up-to- date, as possible.
New Business: Cal Knol brought up the fact that there were some concerns expressed about the response and work performed by Florida Image, on our clubhouse lawn & landscaping. Their failure to return calls, has been a real concern. He also reported that we had been in contact with Green Hands Landscaping and requested an estimate to cut/trim the clubhouse lawn, and help maintain the trees and plants in the front of the pool & clubhouse. Florida Image was contracted to provide 38 cuts per year at a cost of $250.00 per month and perform other landscaping work, as requested, and billed separately. Green Hands will cut/trim the grass and also care for the gardening areas and trim bushes for $300.00 per month. Jay Boden made a motion that we inform Florida Image that we are suspending their services at the end of April and hire Green Hands to perform this work. It was 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved.
Helen Marino informed everyone that Animal Control officer, Catania Black, said it was illegal to feed bread to the ducks, as it can cause them harm. If someone observes this happening, they are asked to get their names and report the activity, by calling 561-233-2586.
The next Presidents Council meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2021 at 6:30PM.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ed Campagnuolo and 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary