Presidents’ Council Minutes for December 10, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Cal Knol at 7:00PM
Roll Call was taken Bev Knol revealing 7 members present, which provided us a quorum. There were no representatives from Buildings 2,3,6,8 and 12.
The Council president noted that minutes from the November 12, 2024 meeting had been emailed to building representatives on October 26th. Jim Carreau made a motion to approve the minutes as written which was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Cal Knol distributed the 2024 financial reports (which were also previously emailed) for April thru November provided by Treasurer, Leann Vander Woude. After some questions and clarifications, a motion was made by Robert Pickard and 2nd by Ed Campagunolo to approve the reports as submitted. The motion passed.
Clubhouse & Recreation: Cal Knol reported that he had moved forward to install a T-Mobile Wi-Fi in the clubhouse, which could be returned it if not approved by the Council. The cost is $60.00 per month and will be auto debited from his own checking account. He will likely request reimbursement, from Leann Vander Woude on a quarterly basis. A motion was made by Marty Hartman to approve this Wi-Fi for the Clubhouse and 2nd by Suki DeJong. The motion was approved. To access, look for “clubhouse” in your settings and click “connect”. Enter the password: LSPG2180 and you should be set to go.
Regarding the shed, Cal reported that he would like to check with Leann Vander Woude when she returns and follow-up with her contact about moving forward with a price on rebuilding our storage shed. It is believed that with our new updated land survey we have what is needed to obtain a building permit from the city.
Pool: It was reported that due to cost and liability we would not move forward in placing an AED or phone in the pool area. This decision was also based on the understanding the most residents carry cell phones and that emergency calls to 911 could easily be made.
Shuffleboard: Robert Pickard reported that the courts are cleaned off and ready for play.
Lawn/Landscaping: No report
Bingo: Current plans are to resume Bingo games on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 from 7:00 to 9:00PM. All are welcome to attend.
Craft Club: The Craft Club has continued to meet at the clubhouse through the summer and all are welcome.
They meet on Monday mornings from 9AM to 12 Noon.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that we have tentative plans for a Pot Luck in mid to late January, a Valentine’s Day dinner in February and Pool Party in March. We also hope to resume our twice monthly Meet & Greet gatherings. The club will have a meeting shortly after the 1st of the year to firm these plans. Anyone interested in helping with this committee are always welcome to attend our planning meetings. Dates for these events will be posted on the clubhouse and website calendars.
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuola reminded all members to please submit change of address information to himself or Cal Knol for updating the web page. He also asked that we encourage residents to make use of the web page and calendar of events that are posted on it.
Old Business: There were several comments and concerns about cold pool temperatures The heating solar panels have been off since serious storms moved thru this past summer, and there is a need to replace some damaged sensors along with some other issues. Robert Pickard has made several attempts contact the Solar Energy Systems company to move forward on repairs but to date have not been able to fit us into their schedule. (They also experienced serious damage to their warehouse in Ft Pierce, from those same storms). Robert also looked into the possibility of purchasing a chill/heater device that runs on electric power. We will look into this further and try to have a representative from of one of these companies at a future meeting in 2024
There was no new business.
Next Meeting: January 14, 2024 at 7:00PM.
A motion to adjourn was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Robert Pickard. The motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary