President’s Council Minutes for December 12, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
Special guest, Sarah Malega (city commissioner, district 1) spoke to our council and other community residents and answered a multitude of questions from those in attendance. She encouraged residents to get out and vote in the spring and that it will only be voting for mayor and district #1 Sarah indicated that she will pass along our concerns for traffic issues once the 6th street bridge is completed, hopefully by May of 2024.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. There were no representativse from buildings 2, 3 or 7.
The council president noted that all members had previously been emailed a copy of the agenda and the minutes from the November meeting. Lynn Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes which was 2nd by Helen Marino. Motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Reports: Cal Knol had distributed the November financial report and Marty Hartman made a motion to approve the November report which was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. The motion was approved. The year-to-date treasurers report, which was not reviewed during our November meeting, was also discussed and a motion was made by Lynn Anderson to approve them, which was and 2nd by Helen Marino. The motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Clubhouse and Pool: Cal Knol reported that 3 broken umbrellas had been repaired and reinstalled. He also noted that we are in need of a new table that costs about $379.00 We also replaced the pump motor for the solar heating panels, that was installed this earlier this year.
Shuffleboard: No report
Lawn/Landscaping: No report
Bingo: Helen Marino reported that they plan to resume Bingo on January 10, 2024
Craft Club: Helen Marino reported that they have been meeting all summer and have their cards available for $3.00 each, which may be purchased during their craft club time, on Monday mornings between 10 & 12. They will also be available at other events held during the winter months.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that the club has not yet met, but hope to have a Pot Luck in late January 2024
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo reported that if an individual types in a specific address it will bring them to our directory on the web page, and that we cannot control that access. He also continues to request that building presidents submit new resident names to himself or Cal Knol, to keep our address book as up-to-date as possible.
Old Business:
Building 12 fence and landscaping issue: There had been a breakdown at the last meeting in trying to reconcile the matter of reimbursing building 12 for their fence repair and landscaping expenses. Prior to this meeting, Cal & Bev Knol chose to meet with Alex and Monica Varsakopoulos and attempt to come with some agreement that may be acceptable to the President’s Council.
Monica reported that they had replaced 25 feet of fence, which was also slotted. They also replaced two trees that were removed and replaced them with two oak trees. These trees were selected to help with the access water that occurs behind their building. They also purchased and installed ten bushes to keep the foliage full and discourage youngsters, from the trailer park, to cut the fence to get through the area. She said their building would agree to waive the cost of one of the oak trees ($300.00) and put forth a motion that the council reimburse them $1,940.00 for the remainder of the expense, which was 2nd by Marty Hartman. Following a brief discussion, the motion was approved by majority vote, with building 1 abstaining a building 6 voting no.
New Business:
Cal Knol reported we had received an estimate for converting our pool into a salt water pool. The cost was in excess of $5000.00 and there was additional concern for aging cast iron pipes, which would likely also have to be replaced. Due to these factors the opinion of the council was that this project not move forward at this time.
Omar Becerra, from Building 5, asked to address the council regarding large oversized items being placed by the trash dumpsters shared by buildings 4 and 5. This has happened a couple of times this summer and items sit there for several weeks before they are finally picked up. He feels that this is unacceptable for our community and asked us to find a better solution for this persistent problem.
Our next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 7:00PM
A motion was given by Susan Bechtol to adjourn and 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. The motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted:
Bev Knol, Secretary