President’s Council Minutes for February 14, 2023
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. It is noted that there was no representative from building 12.
The minutes from our January 10, 2023 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on January 31st, and posted on our association’s web page were reviewed. The reading of the minutes was waived. A motion was made by Ed Campagnuolo to approve the minutes and 2nd by Marty Hartman. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Leann Vander Woude went over our expenses for the month of January and indicated that we have a balance of $15,424.79 (Reserves of 5,000.00 and 4,373.29 for Roof and Solar project.) Charlie List made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and 2nd by Pat LaBarre. The motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Pool and Clubhouse: The solar panels are scheduled to begin installation on Monday, February 20. It was noted that the reroofing job required far more wood replacement than expected which added an additional cost of $8,800.00. Leann noted that some buildings may have enough funds to absorb this added expense, without an additional assessment, which is approximately $34.00 per unit. Cal Knol also reported that our clubhouse air conditioner, is more than 23 years old and can no longer be recharged. Current replacement costs for a new 6 ½ ton compressor and air handler is around $15,000.00 A combination of these two expenses would be approximately $100 per unit. There was some discussion on this matter, which included the possibility of authorizing Cal and Robert to replace the air conditioning this summer, should it completely break down. The authorization would likely be limited to a maximum of $16,000.00 It was decided to table the matter until our March meeting, which would allow for an additional estimate and also more thought as we make this consideration.
Property Fence: Cal Knol reported that the fence behind building 12 has had a hole cut in it, likely by the trailer park kids to shorten their walk to a bus stop or to Lake Osborne Dr. The estimate to repair the fence is $1200.00. There will also be an additional expense of $700.00 to remove a small tree, that is pushing the fence over, and to clear some excessive brush. The estimate also includes the replacement of a corner fence pole, by the shuffleboard courts, that has nearly rusted through.
Shuffle Board Courts: Robert Pickard reported that the courts are being used daily and are currently in reasonable shape.
Lawn/Landscape: Pam Tulchinski is currently out-of-town, but Cal Knol took a moment to thank her along with Brittany Lemon & Leanne Vander Woude for all their hard work in clearing out excessive brush, weeds & dead plants, near the bar-b-que and the landscaped areas in the front of the clubhouse. Thank you so much ladies, it really improved the appearance of those areas.
Bingo: Cal Knol reported that it has been going well, and that we’ve been having about 25 community people attend this weekly event.
Craft Club: Robert Pickard reported for Helen Marino, that the club continues to make and sell their cards.
Club 2180: Cal Knol reported that we will be hosting the Valentine’s Day dinner on February 17, 2023, and there will be 41 people in attendance. Our next Meet & Greet will take place on Friday, February 24th. We’ve had about 25 – 30 people coming to these events and having a good time of fellowship together. We will announce plans for our March event soon.
Webmaster’s Report: Ed Campagnuolo reported that requests to join the web page are coming in with the Building Number and Apartment Number on them, as requested. Please continue to forward address updates to Ed or Cal as they occur.
New Business & Community Comments: Lynn Anderson asked Charlie List for a report on the fire that their building (11) had. He reported that it was located in the laundry room on the 2nd floor, and also caused some smoke damage. The building is currently waiting for a final report from the Fire Department as to the exact cause. Charlie reported that all of the safety features that were added to their building worked exactly as they were designed to do.
Secretary, Bev Knol, asked the Presidents for a list of their new Board Members and Officers to be emailed or handed to her
A motion to adjourn was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Pat LaBarre. Motion was approved.
Next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2023, at 7:00PM.