President’s Council Meeting March 9, 2021
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 6:30PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol, revealing that we had a quorum. Buildings 11 and 12 had no representatives present.
The minutes from our February 9, 2021 meeting, which were emailed to council presidents on February 24th and posted on the web page were reviewed. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Jaana Kaarenoja to accept the minutes as written, which was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. The motion was approved.
The Treasurer’s report for the month of February was reviewed by Leann Vander Woude. We currently have a balance of $8,636.06, which includes our $5,000.00 reserve fund and $1,950.00 remaining from the shuffleboard fund. Leaving our actual balance as $1,686.61. A motion to approve the treasurer’s report was made by Marty Hartman and 2nd by Jaana Kaarenoja. The motion was approved.
Clubhouse & Pool Report: Cal Knol reported that we recently had a Fire Safety inspection done on the clubhouse and that we had failed in six areas. Four of them were minor and have already been corrected. The two remaining ones are: (1) The padlock on the back gate must be removed and replaced with a gate that allows for egress; (2) The clubhouse stove needs to be removed and replaced with a commercial grade stove and exhaust vent. Due to the excessive cost to upgrade the stove, we are opting to replace it, with a convection oven (which would be acceptable). Corrections must be completed by April 2, 2021. However, we only need to remove the current stove, by that date in order to pass the inspection.
John Florio has completed most of the repairs to the cracks on our pool deck. He will begin maintenance on our clubhouse, which includes repairing some of the cracking cement blocks, replacing rotten wood in the eaves, and fixing roof leaks. He will also power wash and paint the outside of the clubhouse. The total cost for this project is $3,500.00.
Lawn & Landscaping Report: Florida Image Landscaping, Inc. has made repairs to the irrigation system that waters the grass to the east of the clubhouse and the plant areas in front of the clubhouse.
Cindy Adams has agreed to consult with Florida Image with regard to sprucing up our plant areas. They will advise on additional plants and dirt and mulch to be used. Leanne Vander Woude has agreed to help Cindy and several others also offered help and make their gardening tools available when needed.
Craft Club has begun meeting as of March 8, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., in the clubhouse. Helen Marino extended an open invitation to anyone who wishes to join them for the next 3 Mondays.
Shuffleboard: The courts have been power washed to remove the mold & stains and are now in great shape.
Bingo: Currently suspended due to covid
Club 2180: Currently suspended due to covid
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo confirmed that there was a way to gain access to the web site without a password, by typing the site address directly into the address bar. He said the only way to fix that issue is to put a password on every page. The consensus was that that would be too cumbersome for residents, so we will leave the current login & password requirements for now. Cal Knol reported that the new hard copy directory should be available at our next meeting, and Board Presidents could then distribute copies to their building residents. The material is currently at Office Depot for printing.
Old Business: We discussed needed repairs to several of our Lake Osborne Drive entry signs, and possibly replacing the signage with a higher quality material. Unfortunately, that increased the repair costs to several thousand dollars. Jimmy Nielson has submitted an estimate to replace the broken numbers and letters and also paint all signage with reflective paint. That estimate is $897.51. A motion was made by Lynn Anderson to have Jimmy Nielson complete these repairs, and have the Recreational Association cover this expense, which was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
An additional motion was made by Ed Campagnuolo, and 2nd by Lynn Anderson, that in the future, each building would be responsible to pay for any damage to their individual addresses. The Recreational Association would continue to be responsible for the letters on the signs, because “Lakeside Point Gardens” represents our community as a whole. Motion was approved.
It was requested, and Cal Knol agreed to get the location where Jimmy buys the numbers, letters, and reflective ingredient for the paint and have that information on file for future use by individual buildings.
New Business & Community Comments: Cindy Adams asked if the Council would ever consider getting one lawncare service to take care of the lawns in the entire community. After several remarks it became apparent that the majority of the presidents were not in favor of this type of move so the subject was tabled.
It was suggested that after the current agreement, for the weed & lawn control with Nozzle Nolen expires, we should seek alternate bids to perform this work.
Robert Pickard reported that Suncoast Lawn Care has been contacted to remove the coconuts from the palm trees located in our common area, before hurricane season begins.
Cal Knol & Robert Pickard reported about a vehicle that lost control and knocked down two palm trees in front of building four. It also struck and caused minor damage to the stair support pillar. The vehicle also tore up a significant section of grass and a bush. Building four’s lawncare service also did an excellent job of cleaning up the debris. The driver had liability insurance coverage, so they are hopeful that his insurance will cover the cost of all damages incurred.
The next Presidents Council meeting is scheduled for April 13, 2021 at 6:30PM.
A motion to adjourn was made by Jaana Kaarenoja and 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary