President’s Council Meeting December 8, 2020
The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol and revealed there were 8 buildings represented, which provided us a quorum to conduct and vote on business matters. There were no representatives from buildings 3, 11 or 12.
Chad Romano, our insurance agent for LSPG, and for several of the buildings in our community shared with the council the status of insurance policies, and projected increases. He reported that some policies, have seen premiums increase as much as 25%. The age of a building and the age of their roof all impact premiums along with our close proximity to the ocean (2 ½ miles).
The minutes of the November 10, 2020 meeting were previously emailed, to council presidents (with computers) on November 24th. After a quick recap Peter Metzler made a motion to approve the minutes, as written, which was 2nd by Ed Campagnuolo. Motion was approved.
The November Treasurer’s Report, prepared by LeeAnn Vander Woude, was distributed. After a few questions on the report Robert Pickard made a motion to approve the financial report which was 2nd by Marty Hartman. The motion was approved.
Committee Reports:
Clubhouse & Pool: Robert Pickard reported that the pool furniture (chairs & tables) has been power washed and all looks good. He also noted that John Florio is planning to repair cracks on the pool decking, and replace some wood on the eves on the clubhouse. He also reported that a new rope has been installed in the pool.
Landscaping: Florida Imaging has removed the small broken palm tree which was located in the front of the clubhouse. Any replacement will be determined later.
Bingo: Postponed until further notice due to Covid 19
Club 2180: All events on hold due to Covid 19
Shuffleboard: No report at this time.
Webmaster: Ed Campagnuolo reported that the new web site is now built, which he will tweak a little before it is put into active use. He projected a sample of the site and walked us through some of the features. After some discussion it was decided to password protect the entire website in order to avoid potential issues with the ADA. This password will also be changed annually, to add another level of security. Once the site goes active building presidents will be given the password, which they can provide to their residents. The website looks great and we expressed our thanks to Ed for all of his hard work in getting it set up so quickly. The site will include the most up-to-date directory information on residents, copies of recent minutes & agendas and a calendar which will show upcoming events & meetings.
New Business:
For future agendas the “Community Projects” category will be changed to “Community Comments” which will set aside a brief time for questions and/or comments from any council president or building representative.
The signed petitions, requesting the installation of Speed Bumps on Lake Osborne Drive, in front of our community have been turned over to Robert Pickard, who will turn them into the city. We are hopeful that this will encourage them to install them next spring.
Old Business:
The printing of our community directory has been postponed, until after all buildings have had their annual meetings, and have their new boards in place.
The next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 12, 2021 at 7:00PM
A motion to adjourn was made by Robert Pickard which was 2nd by Marty Hartman. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary