The meeting was called to order by Council President Cal Knol at 7:00PM.
President’s Council Meeting November 10, 2020
Roll call was taken by Council Secretary, Bev Knol and revealed that there were representatives from all but 3 buildings giving us a quorum to conduct business. Buildings 6, 12 and 14 had no representation present.
The minutes of the March 10, 2020 meeting were emailed to all presidents, 3 weeks prior to this meeting. Pat LaBarre made a motion to approve the minutes as written and was 2nd by Kimmo Siven. The motion was approved.
The October Treasurer’s Report, prepared by LeeAnn Vander Woude, was distributed. After a few questions were answered, as best as possible, a motion was made by Ed Campagnuolo to approve the report as presented which was 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved. The year to date spread sheet was also reviewed. After some discussion Helen Marino made a motion to approve that report, which was 2nd by Pat LaBarre. Motion was approved.
It was noted, by Robert Pickard, that the cost of our pool service will be increasing, starting in January 2021. During a recent audit Pool Services Plus, found that that we were 1 of 3 clients that were under paying for their services, based on the size of our pool. The new charge will be $590.00 a month, which breaks down to approximately $50 per visit.
It was reported that the parking lot repair and resealing went very well and very smoothly. Several compliments were made about DMI doing an excellent job. The assessment for this project, which had been approved for 2020, came very close to covering the full cost for this project.
Committee Reports:
Clubhouse: Robert Pickard reported that some recent clubhouse roof leaks had been repaired by John Florio. A suggestion was also made that we consider painting the outside of the clubhouse, in the near future. Bev Knol reported that the blinds in the clubhouse will soon be completed. Covid 19 had caused a delay in the manufacturing of the blinds. The cost for this project was fully funded by the Craft Club & Club 2180.
Pool: Robert Pickard reported that all solar panel leaks had been repaired. The pool deck was also power washed, and the pump house and the walls around the pool were both painted. John Florio performed this work and was still working on repairing some cracks on the decking. Pool chairs will also be power washed.
Landscaping: It was noted that one of the small palm trees, in front of the clubhouse is broken, and that Florida Imaging will be contacted to remove and/or replace that tree.
Bingo: Helen Marino has placed the game dates, for Bingo on the calendar. However, it was noted that due to difficulty with social distancing, we may have to postpone or possibly cancel this activity, for the winter season.
Club 2180: Due to Covid 19, all of our typical events, including Pot Luck, Valentines, St. Patrick’s and Pool Party are all in jeopardy. Each event will be considered as each of the event dates approach.
Shuffleboard: No report at this time.
Webmaster: Cal Knol reported that Alex Varsakopoulos has resigned as webmaster due to personal reasons. We are grateful that Ed Campagnuolo has agreed to take over this responsibility.
Community Projects: There were several remarks and complaints regarding the feeding of feral cats and ducks by people in our community. Frequent requests have been made, asking them to please stop, but with no compliance.
Old Business: A sample directory was distributed to the presidents in attendance, to review and note any corrections. As expected, there were some outdated listings, and some other changes were also requested. It was decided to postpone the printing and distribution of a directory until these changes can be made and our new webmaster is able familiarize himself with directory options. The council also felt it best to wait until all buildings had their annual meetings, so that any board member changes could be current. A motion was made by Jaana Kaarenoja to postpone the printing of a new directory which was and 2nd by Kimmo Siven. Motion was approved.
New Business: It was noted that our thanks be extended to Robert Pickard for his hard work here during the summer months and especially during any hurricane warnings. Thanks to Robert and all who assisted him in getting us ready for potential serious weather alerts. It was also noted that we may have to have the coconuts, growing on the palm trees in the common area, removed prior to our next hurricane season in 2021.
Next President’s Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday December 8, 2020 at 7:00PM
A motion to adjourn was made by Pat LaBarre and 2nd by Robert Pickard. Motion was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Bev Knol, Secretary